Friday 6 July 2012

Bleach Chapter 499 - Rescuer in the Dark - Review / Thoughts

In my reviews I have frequently praised Bleach during this arc, and with Bleach almost at the milestone of 500 chapters, I am happy to say that Bleach 499 continues the trend of top quality chapters from Tite Kubo.

Alright, I admit to one thing from the start - initially I didn't realise just how much explaining was done in this chapter. A lot of it was taken up by Urahara talking to Ichigo and explaining about the Quincy/Stern Ritter. I only noticed when going over it a second time, though to be honest for once I feel glad, as it helped to add to tension and menace to the Stern Ritter. If anyone can make you believe what they are saying, it's Urahara, and to borrow a wrestling phrase, he put them over well.

That said, Urahara did make the one mistake of thinking Kirge was dead, and as a result it looks like both Chad and Orihime got pretty badly hurt. Also of course, it resulted in Kirge trapping Ichigo at the end of the chapter. Ichigo aside, it looks like the Stern Ritter have little to fear, and with Ichigo gone now it's going to take something special to defeat the Quincy and protect Soul Society.

Urahara did a good job of hyping the Stern Ritter as I said, and the explanations didn't seem drawn out and boring at all like some chapters have in the past. Kubo did a great job with this chapter, and of course the parts that weren't explanations were excellent too.

Overall this was another excellent Bleach chapter, and with Ichigo seemingly taken out of the equation, things are going to get very difficult for Soul Society. For us readers though, it should be very interesting to see how Soul Society try and fight back, especially as Urahara is almost certainly going to get involved personally before too long which in of itself is a rare treat.

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